May 7, 2018 - WMH held its annual company picnic, a fiesta-themed family-fun event on May 5th, 2018. This year, the picnic was held at Sanborn County Park with temperature ranging in the 70's throughout the day. Starting off the joyous event were fun, physical activities including a volley-ball and ultimate frisbee. Many staff separated into different groups for different activities, and were joined by their friends and family, with a diverse group of all ages battling it out to be 1st place in the activities that they chose to participate.
There was a BBQ for all WMH staff and family and friends to rejuvenate energy, a refreshment station, face-painting station, and a scavenger hunt throughout the park. For the scavenger hunt, team members were randomly selected, and different friends and families mingled as they tried to win the competition. The scavenger hunt required pictures to be taken of course – check out the winning team's photos below!