Groundbreaking for the State Route 37/Fairgrounds Drive Interchange Improvement Project

November 8, 2024 – Vallejo, CA

WMH Corporation was honored to be part of the State Route 37 / Fairgrounds Drive Interchange Improvement Project groundbreaking ceremony on Friday, November 8, 2024.

Carl Gibson, PE, the WMH Corporation project manager who led the design of this important infrastructure improvement, was in attendance to join with the stakeholder agencies to celebrate this important achievement for Solano County and surrounding communities. Stakeholders include Solano Transportation Authority (STA), City of Vallejo, Caltrans, and Solano County.

WMH Corporation (WMH) completed the design in 2023, and the construction is scheduled for completion in Fall 2025. Carl Gibson noted: “Achieving this milestone takes many years of hard work from all involved, and our engineers are thrilled to see their designs come to life. Congrats on your excellent work!”

The $25-Million project will, over the next year, widen and improve 1.5 miles of Fairgrounds Drive and implement a Diverging Diamond Interchange design - the second such configuration in the state and first in the Bay Area – which will significantly improve safety, reduce traffic congestion and also greenhouse gas emissions. Diverging diamond interchanges require less space than a traditional diamond or cloverleaf interchange and can cost 75% less, saving taxpayer dollars, according to the Federal Highway Administration.

This project will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as overall Vehicle Miles Traveled. In addition, this Project will make it safer and easier for motorists, pedestrians, transit, and cyclists to access Six Flags as well as the surrounding Project area.

The Project also supports Solano 360, a larger countywide economic development to revitalize the area and encourage economic growth and development. This includes a mobility hub at the Fairgrounds site, which is funded by One Bay Area Grant Cycle 3 and various grants provided by the STA to the County — the project sponsor.

Strong>WMH is proud to be a major contributor to significant regional transportation projects that improve safety, connectivity, and transportation for all modalities in communities throughout California.

Excerpts adapted from:

Vallejo Times Herald article published November 8, 2024 by Thomas Gase
Soltrans hosts groundbreaking for route 37 / fairgrounds Dr interchage improvement project.

San Francisco Chronicle article published November 17, 2024 by Michael Cabanatuan
First "Diverging diamond" traffic Interchange in the Bay Area (Vallejo Highway)

For more information visit:
The State Route 37/Fairgrounds Drive Project

Image courtesy of Solano Transportation Authority